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I am honored to work with families and help them find better intention, connection, and joy within their relationships. Here are what some of my previous clients have shared about their experience.

“ Jessica was an amazing coach and truly exemplified everything wonderful about parent coaching. She listened so well and gave the best feedback/reiterated how I was feeling and what my thoughts were in a clear way. Jessica seemed to be able to take my incoherent ramblings and worries and turn them into cogent thoughts that made me feel like "hey, maybe I'm not that bad and I have some idea what I'm doing!" She helped me feel sane, safe and most importantly - gave me the confidence in my parenting that I was lacking in the beginning. It has truly revolutionized the way I parent, without needing to change how I am parenting. “


“ I looked forward to each and every session, and felt revived… I would absolutely recommend parent coaching (especially with Jessica) to anyone! Jessica gave examples from her own life, which I found so helpful - but not in a way that made it about her or made me feel judged. I appreciated that very much! She is smart, empathetic, and patient. Could not ask for a better person to be a parent coach! I'm truly excited for everyone/anyone who gets to work with her in the future! ”

(LS, parent of toddler)

“ Jessica helped me to consider new strategies for parenting routines, school challenges, etc. Without her suggestions, I may not have shifted how I was addressing some conflict with my kids. She also really encouraged me by emphasizing what strengths I bring to parenting, rather than first focusing on my weaknesses, which is what I tend to do.”


(SW, parent of elementary and middle school children)

" I have really loved and appreciated the weekly summaries. They not only served to summarize and remind me of the nuggets we uncovered, but they also made me feel truly HEARD. Thank you for taking the time to craft those so thoughtfully and personally."


(KG, parent of middle and high school children)

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